Cardinal Gates Automobile Alarm 948A 40 User Manual

Victoreen® 948A-40 and 948A-50  
Remote Alarm and Alarm/Meter  
Instruction Manual  
Section 1:  
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1-1  
General Description................................................................................................................................................1-1  
Receiving Inspection..............................................................................................................................................1-2  
Storage ...........................................................................................................................................................................1-2  
Procedures, Warnings, and Cautions...........................................................................................................1-2  
Section 2:  
Installation....................................................................................................................... 2-1  
Section 3:  
Operation......................................................................................................................... 3-1  
Theory of Operation...............................................................................................................................................3-1  
Section 4:  
Maintenance, Calibration and Troubleshooting ..................................................... 4-1  
Appendix A: Applicable Drawings and Bill of Materials ................................................................ A-1  
Drawings ...................................................................................................................................................................... A-1  
Bill of Materials.......................................................................................................................................................... A-1  
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Section 1  
1.1 General Description  
Remote Alarm and Alarm/Meter (948A-40 & 948A-50)  
The 948A-50 Remote Alarm/Meter continuously indicates the level of radiation at the detector site and provides a  
visual and audible indication of a high radiation level on an analog meter, light, and Sonalert. The meter of the  
Remote Alarm/Meter is an analog meter scale that indicates in the range of 0.1 to 107 mR/h. The light and Sonalert are  
actuated when the radiation level exceeds the high alarm set point of the Universal Digital Ratemeter. Both models  
have a momentary pushbutton to silence the Sonalert. The 948A-40 and 948A-50 enclosures are Steel. The 948A-40 is  
identical with the exception that it has no analog meter. Refer to Appendix A for drawings.  
1.2 Application  
The remote alarm/meter is an actual component of the 945 and 945A Wide Range Area Monitoring System. A typical  
Wide Range Area Monitoring System consists of the following VICTOREEN instruments: a 977-series Ion Chamber  
Detector, a 946A-200 Universal Digital Ratemeter (UDR), and a 948A-50 Remote Alarm/Meter or 948A-40 Remote  
Alarm. When used with 977-201 detectors, refer to Loop Diagram 945-3 for interconnection information. When used  
with 977-210 detectors, refer to Loop Diagram 945A-3 for interconnection information.  
1.3 Specifications  
Specifications for the 948A-40 Remote Alarm and the 948A-50 Remote Alarm/Meter are shown below.  
Power Requirement  
12 VDC for the Sonalert, relay, and light  
0 to 10 VDC for the meter of the 948A-50 (supplied by the detector)  
Recommended Cable  
Cable Length  
P/N 50-150  
1500 ft (457 m)  
Operating Temperature  
Storage Temperature  
Relative Humidity  
Housing Material  
32° to 122°F (0° to 50°C)  
32° to 122°F (0° to 50°C)  
0 to 95%, non-condensing  
Dimensions, Enclosure  
8 (w) x 4 (d) x 10.25 in (h)  
(20.3 x 10.2 x 26 cm)  
Dimensions, Overall  
8.94 (w) x 4.62 (d) x 11.5 (h)  
(22.7 x 11.7 x 29.2 cm)  
8 lb (3.6 kg)  
1.4 Receiving Inspection  
Upon receipt of the unit:  
1. Inspect the carton(s) and contents for damage. If damage is evident, file a claim with the carrier and notify  
Cardinal Health at 440.248.9300.  
2. Remove the contents from the packing material.  
3. Verify that all items listed on the packing list have been received and are in good condition.  
If any of the listed items are missing or damaged, notify  
Cardinal Health at 440.248.9300.  
1.5 Storage  
Storage of Victoreen instruments must comply with Level B storage requirements as outlined in ANSI N45.2.2 (1972)  
Section 6.1.2(.2). The storage area shall comply with ANSI N45.2.2 (1972) Section 6.2 Storage Area, Paragraphs 6.2.1  
through 6.2.5. Housekeeping shall conform to ANSI N45.2.3 (1972).  
Level B components shall be stored within a fire resistant, tear resistant, weather tight enclosure, in a well-ventilated  
Storage of Victoreen instruments must comply with the following:  
1. Inspection and examination of items in storage must be in accordance with ANSI N45.2.2 (1972) Section 6.4.1.  
2. Requirements for proper storage must be documented and written procedures or instructions must be  
3. In the event of fire, post-fire evaluation must be in accordance with ANSI N45.2.2 (1972), Section 6.4.3.  
4. Removal of items from storage must be in accordance with ANSI N45.2.2 (1972), Sections 6.5 and 6.6.  
1.6 Procedures, Warnings, and Cautions  
The equipment described in this manual is intended to be used for the detection and measurement of ionizing  
radiation. It should be used only by persons who have been trained in the proper interpretation of its readings and  
the appropriate safety procedures to be followed in the presence of radiation.  
Although the equipment described in this manual is designed and manufactured in compliance with all applicable  
safety standards, certain hazards are inherent in the use of electronic and radiometric equipment.  
WARNINGS and CAUTIONS are presented throughout this document to alert the user to potentially hazardous  
situations. A WARNING is a precautionary message preceding an operation that has the potential to cause personal  
injury or death. A CAUTION is a precautionary message preceding an operation that has the potential to cause  
permanent damage to the equipment and/or loss of data. Failure to comply with WARNINGS and CAUTIONS is at  
the user's own risk and is sufficient cause to terminate the warranty agreement between Cardinal Health, Radiation  
Management Services and the customer.  
Adequate warnings are included in this manual and on the product itself to cover hazards that may be encountered  
in normal use and servicing of this equipment. No other procedures are warranted by Cardinal Health. It shall be the  
owner's or user's responsibility to see to it that the procedures described here are meticulously followed, and  
especially that WARNINGS and CAUTIONS are heeded. Failure on the part of the owner or user in any way to follow  
the prescribed procedures shall absolve Cardinal Health and its agents from any resulting liability.  
Indicated battery and other operational tests must be performed prior to each use to assure that the instrument is  
functioning properly. If applicable, failure to conduct periodic performance tests in accordance with ANSI N323-1978  
(R1983) Radiation Protection Instrumentation Test and Calibration, paragraphs 4.6 and 5.4, and to keep records  
thereof in accordance with paragraph 4.5 of the same standard, could result in erroneous readings or potential  
danger. ANSI N323-1978 becomes, by this reference, a part of this operating procedure.  
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Section 2  
2.1 Installation  
Ensure all power is removed prior to installing the 948A-  
40 or 948A-50 Remote Alarm, Alarm/Meter.  
Installation of the 948A-50 Remote Alarm/Meter consists of finding a suitable location for mounting, such as a wall or  
post, and providing an electrical interface. Both the 948A-40 and 948A-50 Remote Alarm, Remote Alarm/Meter can be  
mounted up to 1500 feet from the detector and UDR.  
There are two possible wiring configurations (reference loop diagram 945-3 or 945A-3 in Appendix A). In the first  
configuration, terminal block TB2 is used as a junction for the VICTOREEN communications loop between the  
preamplifier and ratemeter. The signals that drive the meter, Sonalert, and light originate at the preamplifier and are  
connected to TB1.  
In the second configuration, the VICTOREEN communications loop wiring runs directly from the ratemeter to the  
preamplifier, eliminating the need for TB2. The signals that drive the meter, Sonalert, and light are connected to TB1  
as in the previous case.  
Use the following procedure to install the remote alarm, alarm/meter:  
1. Select a suitable location for the 948A-40 Remote Alarm or the 948A-50 Remote Alarm/Meter.  
a. The length of the cable must not exceed 1500 feet (450 meters).  
b. The access holes for the cables are located in the bottom panel of the remote alarm, alarm/meter  
2. Mount the remote alarm, remote alarm/meter to the supporting structure. Refer to drawing GEL948A-50,  
located in Appendix A, for mounting dimensions.  
3. Route the cable (P/Number 50-150 or equivalent) between the rate meter and the remote alarm, remote  
alarm/meter or between the rate meter and preamplifier (refer to loop diagram 945-3 or 945A-3 in Appendix  
When using the first configuration, connect the wires of  
the cable to the terminal block located inside the remote  
alarm, remote alarm/meter housing.  
4. Verify that all electrical connections are correct and secure.  
5. This concludes the installation procedure for the 948A-40 Remote Alarm and the 948A-50 Remote  
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Section 3  
3.1 Operation  
Since the operation and theory for the 948A-40 is identical to the 948A-50 with the exception that the 948A-40 has  
no meter, only the 948A-50 will be discussed.  
Once installation has been completed, operation of the VICTOREEN 948A-50 Remote Alarm/Meter is automatic and  
does not require operator attention.  
The analog meter continuously indicates the level of radioactivity measured at the detector site from 0.1 to 107 mR/h.  
The light and Sonalert are actuated only when the radiation level at the detector site exceeds the high alarm set point  
established at the ratemeter.  
When an alarm condition occurs, the 12 VDC output from the detector preamplifier energizes causing the Sonalert  
audible alarm to sound and the alarm lamp to illuminate STEADY ON.  
The audible alarm can be silenced by pressing the "silence" pushbutton on the front panel, causing the Sonalert to  
de-activate and the light to remain illuminated. An alarm condition cannot be canceled locally. The Sonalert and light  
are automatically de-actuated when the alarm is acknowledged from the digital ratementer.  
3.2 Theory of Operation  
This section contains the theory of operation for the 948A-50.  
During a high alarm condition, the light will illuminate and the Sonalert will sound. A silence button, located on the  
front of the local/alarm meter, is provided to enable the operator to silence the Sonalert.  
When a high alarm condition occurs, a 12 VDC input is introduced to the alarm circuit. This signal will cause the light  
to illuminate. This 12 VDC input is also applied, via a normally closed contact of relay K1, to the Sonalert, energizing it.  
To turn off the Sonalert, the silence pushbutton on the front panel may be depressed. This will cause the normally  
closed contacts of relay K1 to open, which in turn de-energizes the Sonalert.  
When the system returns to a normal operating level of radiation, the remote alarm/meter will return the relay to the  
normal operating position.  
When the alarm is powered from the preamplifier 12 VDC output, acknowledging the alarm from the digital  
ratementer, will turn the 12 VDC input off, turning the audible alarm and the visual alarm off.  
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Section 4  
Maintenance, Calibration,  
and Troubleshooting  
4.1 Maintenance  
The 948A-40 Remote Alarm and 948A-50 Remote Alarm/Meter require no routine maintenance other than periodic  
calibration for the 948A-50. Refer to calibration for further information.  
4.2 Calibration  
The 948A-50 requires calibration before it is initially placed into service. In addition, it should be recalibrated at regular  
intervals during routine service. The length of time between calibration intervals should be determined by the  
customer. Use the following procedure to perform the calibration:  
1. Using radios, field telephones, or other suitable communication devices, establish communications between a  
technician at the ratemeter location and another at the remote alarm/meter location.  
2. To gain access to the meter adjustment potentiometer, open the front panel of the remote alarm/meter. The  
potentiometer is mounted on the rear of the panel meter.  
3. Adjust the potentiometer until the reading shown on the panel meter agrees with the reading shown on the  
ratemeter within ±5%.  
4. This concludes the calibration procedure for the 948A-50 Remote Alarm/Meter.  
4.3 Troubleshooting  
Extreme care must be used when troubleshooting a  
system that has power applied. All standard  
troubleshooting precautions apply.  
Once a problem has been located, remove all power  
before continuing with the repair.  
Personnel performing the following procedure must be  
familiar with the operation of the system and the  
location of each piece of equipment used.  
Troubleshooting consists of checking the field wiring; refer to loop drawing 945-3 in Appendix A. If a problem  
develops with the remote alarm/meter, refer to the applicable drawings located in Appendix A and to TP948A for the  
factory test procedure.  
Should it be necessary to return the remote alarm/meter during the warranty period, contact Cardinal Health at  
If a problem cannot be resolved by applying the  
troubleshooting procedures described above, contact  
Cardinal Health at 440.248.9300 for assistance.  
Appendix A  
Applicable Drawings  
and Bill of Materials  
A.1 Drawings  
Drawing Number  
Dimensional Outline  
Assembly Drawing w/o Meter  
948A-40/948A-50 Assembly Drawing  
Schematic Diagram  
Loop Diagram  
Loop Diagram  
Wire List  
Wire List  
Test Procedure  
A.2 Bill of Materials  
Drawing Number  
Remote Alarm  
Remote Alarm/Meter  
Remote Alarm  
Remote Alarm/Meter  
Radiation Management Services  
For additional information, please contact  
Radiation Management Services business  
of Cardinal Health at 440.248.9300.  
© 2004 Cardinal Health, Inc. or one of its subsidiaries  
All rights reserved.  
Manual No. 948A-50-1 Rev. 2 04 aug 04  
Cardinal Health  
6045 Cochran Road  
Cleveland, Ohio 44139  

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